To view the 2023-2024 HCPSS Calendar, click here and follow us on twitter to see all our school happenings this year!
June 10- PTA End of Year Picnic; 6pm
June 11- Last day of School for RECC students
June 12- 3 hour Early Dismissal
June 13- 3 hour Early Dismissal
June 13- 5th Grade promotion ceremony (details were shared)
June 14- Last day of school! Schools close 3 hours early
June 17- Quarter 4 report cards issued in Synergy; 4pm
June 19- Juneteenth. Schools and offices are closed
July 4- 4th of July. Schools and offices are closed
July 9- Virtual Reading night 6:00-6:30pm (code will be shared)
July 19- Intermediate Grades Get Together (Grades 3-5) (rain date July 20) 6-7:30pm
July 24- School wide mid-summer play date (All grades) (rain date 7/26) 6-8pm
July 30 -Primary play date (Grades RECC-2) (rain date July 31) 6-7:30pm
August 6- Virtual Reading night 6:00-6:30pm (code will be shared)
August 13- End of Summer School wide summer play date (All grades) (rain date 8/14) 6-8pm
August 21- Kindergarten and First Grade Back to School Night 6:30pm
August 23- Open House (details will be sent)
August 23- New Family Orientation 3pm (details will be sent)
August 26- First Day of School! 9:10am
August 30- PTA Back to School Picnic 6pm; Sept. 6- rain date (details will be sent)
Sept. 9- 2nd and 3rd grade Back to School Night 6:30pm (details will be sent)
Sept. 10- GT Parent Information Night 5:30pm (details will be sent)
Sept. 10- 4th and 5th grade Back to School Night 6:30pm (details will be sent)