Mission Statement:
The mission of the Howard County School Library Media program is to provide opportunities for students and staff to become effective users of ideas and information.
The Library Media program at Waverly Elementary School is dedicated to helping our children enjoy literature and become proficient in Information Literacy.
Class Time in the LMC:
Each class, kindergarten - grade 5, visits the Library Media Center once a week for 45 minutes. During Library Media class, students participate in a variety of instructional activities in which they may listen to literature that complements what is being learned in the classroom; research topics introduced in science or social studies; use books, magazines and computers; create presentations using visuals arts, computer programs, photography and other media; and engage in evaluating various types of media.
For more information please view Howard County's Curriculum Information on library media programs
Book Selection:
In addition to these information and literature skills students are encouraged to check out books from the Library Media Center during their weekly class. Students may also visit the Library Media Center at anytime during the school day with their classroom teacher's permission to borrow books. During book selection, students have the freedom to select books of special interest to them. If you feel that certain themes or subjects should be omitted from your child’s reading, please discuss this with your child.
Books are checked out for one week and can be renewed twice. Kindergarten, and first grade students may check out one book each week, second through forth graders can check out two books. Fifth graders may check out three books for their reading pleasure. Book selection is part of your child’s responsibility while in their Library Media Class. It is also part of their “Participation” grade. Book selection will develop decision making skills, computer skills by using the Public Access Catalog, and location skills.
Visit our Library Catalog (PAC-Public Access Catalog)
Book storage at home:
Please help your children find a safe place to keep their Library Media books to avoid losing them. Students who forget to return their books will be given a verbal reminder at the time they check out a book. We will also give your child a reminder note if need be. If a book is lost or destroyed, payment is requested for the replacement cost. We hope parents will encourage the love of reading by enjoying the library media books with their children, discussing the types of books their children are choosing and reminding children to return their books on time.
Remember Howard County has one of the best Public Library Systems in the country. Please encourage your family to take advantage of this wonderful resource. Mrs. Stacey Freedman at the Miller Branch Library facilitates our school partnership with the public library.
Parent Involvement:
We invite parents to be a part of their children’s time in the Library Media Center. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Mrs. Jackie Mcquarrie (Assistant/Paraeducator) at jaclynn_mcquarrie@hcpss.org. Mrs. Mcquarrie will guide you through your initial visit and assist you with questions. Getting the books on the shelves and in the hands of our children is a very important job. We appreciate all of our volunteers and could not run an efficient Library Media Center without them.
Black-eyed Susan Literary Society:
The goal of the Black-eyed Susan Literary Society is to read with children past the picture book stage. Many parents spend hours reading with their younger children and develop a love of literature when very young. This love of literature can go far beyond the picture book stage and embraces the older child in more sophisticated literature. Imagine sitting with your older child a reinforcing those bonds you once had when they were younger. Sharing reading with your older child gives you the opportunity to discuss themes and ideas, talk about issues concerning your child and having fun. Please watch for our fliers that come out three times a year. Our Society meets with Hollifield and St. John’s Lane Elementary schools. We celebrate the books with a party and lively discussion. Hope to see you and your child.
- Mrs. Carly Josephson, Library Media Specialist
- Ms. Alexandra Bower, Library Media Specialist
- Mrs. Jackie McQuarrie - Tech. Assistant/Para-Educator